5 Easy Steps To Boost Your Confidence Level


For a while, I struggled with low confidence levels. I really hate anything that has me speaking in front of a large group of people and for me, that equates to low confidence levels. Maybe I am being just a little bit too harsh on myself because of course, being confident goes way beyond that. It’s being confident in your goals, dreams, it’s believing in yourself. Over time though, I have come to realize that confidence is a muscle that can be worked just like all the others! You can actually work your way into a more confident personality, and you can start RIGHT NOW. No gym membership needed!

Here are five easy ways to boost your self-confidence and start living (and sharing) the life you always dreamed of!

1. Get some sleep

You might be wondering what this has to do with confidence … everything! There are studies that show how sleep is directly related to positivity and optimism. The better you sleep, the better you feel. In fact, sleep deprivation is linked to feelings of anger, frustration, and sadness – all enemies of confidence. Take time today to create a bedtime routine. Turn down the lights, light some candles, meditate, buy an eye mask…whatever you need to do to get those 6 hours of snooze time will be worth it! P.S if you need help I can teach you how to sleep for free.

2. Do the superwoman pose

Seriously…put your fists on your hips, stick out your chest and put your chin up. The superwoman pose has been proven – and discussed by many successful women – as the best confidence booster around! Demonstrating a power pose before you start your day or enter that important meeting will do wonders for your self-confidence and will trick you into believing in yourself. It’s magical!

3. Stop comparing yourself

These days it is hard to escape the constant sharing of information – everyone’s lifestyles are plastered on our phones, billboards, tv screens, and computers. Miraculously, everyone online is having their best life ever. Obviously, this is a lie. But it is the story everyone wants you to see. Create your OWN story, and learn to be happy with it. Your experience is unique and makes you an important part of the universe. Accept and be proud of that.

4. Create a To-Do List

Starting your day (or week) without a plan can create chaos and confusion. It is the antithesis of confidence because you are constantly rushing around feeling like you are forgetting something. Create a to-do list that includes easy tasks – like brushing your teeth – so that you can feel that positive boost when you cross it off as completed. Achievement will make you feel so much better about yourself.

5. Face Your Fears

Of course, the ultimate confidence booster is knowing that you have been able to overcome and achieve something you were scared of doing. It is time to face those fears! Start with something small and work your way up. Maybe you’ve been afraid to do a live video on IG, start with scripted video clips. It might be fear of heights, start with visiting a trampoline park – they have tall structures you can climb and fall into soft piles of foam. You’ll have fun and you’ll forget your fear altogether. Over time, you will feel powerful and confident because you’ve overcome so many difficult things.

And that’s it, folks. As always thanks for stopping by. Have you struggled with being confident and what are some quick confidence booster that you have used? Looking forward to hearing from you?

Until next time my loves ~ xoxo Dee

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  1. Thank you for all your positivity I struggle with self confidence big time, I’ll sure try some of your tips ❤️❤️❤️❤️.


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