5 tips to make the best out of Quarantine


How are you all doing? I know it has been a while and I won’t even make any excuses for my absence. But I have missed you guys. It has been a crazy year, right? One thing I do know for sure though is that it has caused us to slow down a bit since we have been quarantining / social distancing and a lot of things that would have otherwise occupied our time have now been shut down or have reduced hours due to curfew. With that being said I have come up with a list of 5 things that you can start doing right now to make the absolute best use of your quarantine or your time on lockdown.

Learn a new skill

That one thing that you have been putting off learning for years can be started right now. Of course, for the most part, this won’t be in-person learning but I am about to put you on to some amazing sites where you can learn some amazing skills for the low. This includes skill share who has a 7 day free trial period after which you can get plans for as cheap as $8.25 per month. There is also Udemy and they have an amazing catalogue and sometimes have great discounts for courses as cheap as $10. I am currently using takelessons to help me with my conversational Spanish and it has been amazing.

Seek therapy

Super random I know but oh so necessary. Being able to learn and grow from the different experiences we have in life is amazing but sometimes so hard because of how traumatizing these said experiences have been. Of such, there is literally no harm in seeking outside help in the form of a therapist. Lucky for us these services can now be accessed online. I personally use Betterhelp and it works for me. You may not have access to a therapist and that’s ok but reach out to someone if you are struggling. It can make the world of difference.

Bond with Family

And what better way to spend our time during this pandemic than to work on strengthening relationships with those closest to us. As repetitive as this may sound life is short and this pandemic has only solidified this fact. So, forgive, forget, and move on. I know it really is harder than just that but the least we can do is try. What I have resolved to do is to call my close ones at least once per week. I am really a texter but as the saying goes shoot for the moon and if you land you land on the stars. I think that’s what it says, but you get what I mean. After all, family is really God’s greatest gift to man.


Get moving! I won’t even go over all the benefits. Ok so maybe I will. It improves circulation, strengthens your lungs, improves mental clarity and the list goes on. If you overate like me during the initial stages of the pandemic – I literally ate as if food was going out of style and I felt kinda blah so I started exercising again. And guess what I found some amazing gems that I have been using and of course I will share them with you. There is Qui2Health, Chole Ting, Lily Sabri, and all these amazing ladies have some short, sweet, and effective workouts that I have loved and maybe you will too.

Practice Gratitude

It’s so easy especially during this pandemic to get caught up in what could, would, and should have been to the point where it takes an unhealthy toll on us and makes us really sad. In walks gratitude which Is just a simple act of being thankful for the things around us no matter how small. One thing that I make a point of doing before falling asleep is just to give God thanks for five things that happened throughout the day. Another way that I have been practicing this is by making notes along with dates to place in my gratitude jar. And this is basically just a jar filled with little blessings that I will revisit from time to time when I need a pick me up.

How have you guys been coping during this pandemic? Please let me know. I am praying though that we all come out on the other side being the absolute best versions of ourselves. Stay safe, wash your hands, and wear masks.

Until next time my loves xoxo ~ Dee



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