How To Maintain Your Relationship During a Pandemic


This pandemic has been really testing everyone in many different ways. Whether it’s financially, spiritually, emotionally we’re all being tested. On top of the fact that a lot of global events have been happening in the background as well that has all of us stressed. Being quarantined has had couples coming to terms with whether they are compatible or not after spending so much time together. Sadly the divorce rate has skyrocketed during this pandemic and what society does not need if it can be helped are more broken families.

Here are 5 tips to incorporate in your relationship to help maintain that spark that may be fading due to the quarantine blues;

Give Each Other Space

Whether you work from home or taking online classes when your home becomes work it can sometimes become a bit much. It can become even worse when you are constantly around someone. Make sure you give each other space to breathe so that it doesn’t feel as if you are suffocating each other. That can be so helpful in maintaining the spark. You don’t have to do everything together because you are together.

  • Have A Hobby

GET A HOBBY! Your partner is not your full-time entertainment. Although you may love them and enjoy their company, they are still an individual and have a life themselves. If you find yourself bored find something new to do that you may have always wanted to do. Take time to find yourself and things that you enjoy that you may not have had time to do before the pandemic. You never know, your new hobbies could allow you to evolve and become a better person for yourself. Your evolution may even inspire your partner and bring you two even closer.

  • Maintain Individuality

Always being around someone can sometimes cause you to lose yourself. You like all of the same things they like; you want to do all of the things they want to do. You find yourself no longer doing the things you once did before they came into the picture. Always maintain individuality and do not lose yourself because you are in a relationship. Your partner is an addition to you, not all of you.

  • Self-Care

This is my mantra right here. Keeping a daily or weekly self-care regimen that allows you to focus on yourself is important. We sometimes forget about ourselves when we are going through the motions of life and our health and personal time can take a hit. Even if it’s taking 5 minutes for yourself to meditate or do a morning stretch – that helps. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Even just pausing to savor a cup of tea can be so soothing.

  • Have Date Night

Even after you become married, don’t forget to make frequent date nights a priority. Having frequent date nights can help maintain the spark and spice in your relationship. It’s important to not fall into a mundane routine with your partner and not do anything fun or exciting with one another. Keeping the love and excitement alive that brought you two together in the first place will just help to foster growth in your relationship. This is also a perfect time to have those deep heart-to-heart conversations. P.S. date night can easily be done from the comfort of your home with a little bit of creativity.

Thank you so so much for sharing your time with me.

Until next time my loves ~ xoxo Dee


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