As We Enter 2021


I am sure we are all familiar with new year resolutions, right, where we set goals and dreams that we want to achieve starting January 1 only to have them become obsolete by January 10. Ok so to be fair maybe I am talking about myself right here. And of course, with this comes so much waste. I have bought books, diet plans, gadgets all with the intent of somehow factoring them into my life for the new year to help me achieve – I guess my goals, and most times they have fallen through. But while the above mentioned isn’t necessarily wrong – the dreams and goals aspect, you know wanting to do better, be better I found out that my approach was. Here’s why!

I didn’t know my ‘why’ or if I did they were for the wrong reasons. So here’s what I had to do. I had to go back to the drawing table do a little introspection well maybe a lot and I really started thinking about why I want the things I want, have they served me, and will they even serve me? Am I doing them for fleeting pleasures or will there be long term gain? Is it just a trend? These I found were all very important questions to ask myself and, they helped a great deal. Trust me when I say defining your why makes a world of difference in the decisions that you make.

Guess what else I learned? I was biting off more than I can chew. Yup. So then I had to fall back and start being realistic with my goals. Just because I didn’t get them done last year doesn’t mean I have to get it all done next year. Sometimes they don’t even matter anymore and it’s just dead weight. So now I make simple realistic task lists so as not to overwhelm myself but still keep on track.

I didn’t need a new year to start making changes I can start whenever – even now. Shocker right! And I can stop too because the reality is sometimes we do need time to reboot. I am smiling while writing this because I do be rebooting a lot. Repeat after me. I will not let society define my life’s progress!

My faith was weak. And I still wouldn’t say it’s the strongest but I am learning. Some of those new years resolution fell through because it really wasn’t God’s will for my life. So now I am learning to approach my goals and dreams prayerfully. And that has just been like a breath of fresh air.

So as we enter 2021 and before you start making all those purchases (like that Peloton that may go on sale for the new year), buying all those plans, and signing all those memberships remember to take some time to reflect, think about your whys, be realistic and have some faith – guess all I’m saying is don’t feel pressured into making those new year resolutions. I hope the year 2021 brings with it joy, peace, and love like never before, and remember YOU have the power to become and achieve all that YOU desire. Until next time my loves – xoxo ~ Dee.


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