Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018


Happy New Year guys! I know it’s a little bit late but I am sending love and light your way for 2018 and beyond. I don’t know about you but I was glad to see the end of 2017 because it was indeed a rough one for me.  After all let me not complain because for all those battles that I was facing; my dad being severely sick, not being able to get a job in my field they all worked out. To add to that all my packages kept that I bought close to year-end kept disappearing. I was so annoyed because all they were expensive. I think it’s fair to say that I won’t be buying anything comes next Christmas season. With that being said my dad is doing way better and after months of job hunting, I was able to secure a job at a wonderful facility so I am grateful and most of my packages were replaced.

I am not one for making new year resolutions but I definitely want to work on being a better version of me. It is my dream for this year and beyond to stop walking in fear and doubt and to start walking in my purpose. I also struggle with inconsistency – that needs to go. There are a few things that I want to continue working on. These include:

  1. Becoming better at blogging and growing as a blogger
  2. Develop a healthier lifestyle. Developing a consistent workout schedule, eating healthier, doing more juicing, as a matter of fact, I will be doing a juice fast soon and I will be sharing the results with you.
  3. I also want to focus on growing spiritually
  4. Join a missionary group
  5. Join Toastmasters (I hate public speaking, this may help)
  6. Pursue my masters
  7. Maybe give love a chance lol


I have shared some of 2018 plans with you. Now I would like to know how your 2017 was and what are your plans for 2018?

Love you guys so so much, thank you for stopping by and I will see you in my next post.




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