On the off chance that you understand this, we have survived 2020. Indeed, it may have been not dazzling, and you most likely wouldn’t have any desire to do it once more but we survived.
The previous year brought a mix of difficulties that no one might have foreseen. A worldwide pandemic, an injured economy, racial injustices amongst others – and all that happened before July!
Better believe it, 2020 was an intense one!
However, we endured. We persevered through the difficulties, and a few of us even found freshly discovered strength. We may not be our old selves, and we might even have suffered loss of different kinds but we are alive and that gives us reason enough to say “thank you Lord for one more year”.Unfortunately, a considerable lot of the battles that we faced will continue. So in light of that here are a few tips that will help us to be the very best version of ourselves 2021 and beyond. However, these thoughts will help ensure that you will be readied regardless of what 2021 tosses at you.
Formulate a Personal Vision Statement. It is very important to make fresh new goals based on your present situation and of course what you envision yourself for the future. Be that as it may, this year, instead of proclaiming a couple of free responsibilities, record a simple visual explanation for yourself. What would you like to accomplish this year? What would you like to think back and see when the clock hits 11:59 on December 31, 2021? Will there be professional accomplishments? Individual change? Spiritual growth? So write it down. And oh, if you are not the writing type, make a selfie video of you conversing with yourself about your vision. A good question to ask while doing this is what will the results of your endeavors be in the year ahead?
Get An Accountability Partner. I am sure you have heard the saying no man is an island it’s actually true. Not even you. So take your vision to someone, a friend maybe your partner, or even your family, and use them as your sounding board. That individual should genuinely challenge you, push you, and decide if you are remaining dedicated to your vision. Not only that, but it’s so amazing how those light bulb moments can pop up just by talking about your dreams and aspirations.
Focus on a Community. Develop this “each one reach one mentality” so and work on finding an organization with which your goals and dreams are aligned and get involved. I can guarantee you that this level of involvement will come with a sense of fulfillment like no other knowing that you are actively trying to be a part of the solution to some of our world’s most challenging issues. The past year has caused us to some degree, to become observers due to our current social norms. However, it can be done, even if that means virtually.
Do Something Fun. And remember you. Covid hasn’t left us so let’s face it, social distancing is a thing now. But plan something weekly to do (ok so maybe I am being a bit ambitious) but you could take up a hobby – try new things (like hiking or painting). Amazon has some amazing easy to follow paint kits. Also, try arranging a Covid-cognizant excursion to someplace new and fun later in the year. And remember to take a break every now and then because trust me we all need it. You will be creating lifelong memories.
The reality of the situation is while the schedule may have turned another page, a large part of the truths will still be present in 2021. But we will face those challenges head-on with Christ in the lead. Here’s wishing for you a happy, bright, and prosperous 2021. And remember we got this!

Until next time my loves ~ xoxo Dee